We are a brother-sister Duet, two riders who’ve been riding together since the very beginning. We grew up on bikes, going on adventures and always fuelling our love for 2 wheels. Francie rides and races mountain & road bikes, while Laurie is a connoisseur off-road. From twisting singletrack to rolling country lanes, we ride it all. And we'd like you to join us.
We both started at the very beginning, learning the basics of cycling and appreciating the huge spectrum of progression within the sport, so we understand the learning process involved in gaining speed and confidence on a bike.
Do you feel you could be faster on the trails or fitter on the road climbs? Are you confident enough with your route to know you're getting the best out of your ride? We provide coaching and ride leading across Surrey, Hampshire and beyond.
Our coaching aims to teach new skills, make people realise their riding potential and refine techniques to make them happier, faster riders, who can take on new challenges with confidence.
Our ride leading aims to show riders some of the finest trails and roads. Are you stuck on finding trails that suit your riding? Or bored of the busy main roads and want to ride some scenic routes? Come out with us and we can make your rides varied and fulfilling.
We live in Hampshire and Surrey and ride our local trails and roads most days. The cycling industry is a haven for awesome people doing awesome things, and we hope to fuel it in a positive way.
Join us for a ride!